Regular membership is limited to those individuals who own or rent property or a boat slip in Pamlico County and who intend to participate in SCOO cruising activities. Membership is open to owners of both powerboats and sailboats. Your vessel must have a galley, a head, and sleeping accommodations for at least two people in the cabin. Applicants must be sponsored by a SCOO member who will present the application to the SCOO Board of Governors. A check or credit card payment for $55 for dual (2 persons listed on the membership application) or $40for an individual must accompany this application. This fee is applied as pre-membership - present year dues - and includes one “Members Handbook” and "Burgee" which are presented to the members upon approval by the SCOO Board of Governors at the quarterly meetings normally held the first Monday in February, May, August and November. Please check "Events" for the SCOO Board of Governors meeting date, time and place. |
Copyright 2020 - Sailing Club of Oriental, P.O. Box 525, Oriental, NC 28571 |